May 4, 2013

Snowing Butterflies

I remember, as a small child, looking into the backyard one day and seeing it filled with hundreds of white butterflies. It was an absolutely magical moment. And, I learned something: Sometimes the most spectacular things are right in your own backyard.

Years later, and staying home to study stoichiometry (that's chemistry) they came again. Yesterday we had a string of nasty storms, losing power and having part of our fence blown down. I don't know what made me go look outside, but when I did it was like being transported all those years ago. It was once again snowing butterflies.

Here's a picture I took of one of the butterflies.

Remember, every single day is magical. Sometimes it comes to us in pristine beauty or fairy dust, but other days we have to find our own magic. We have to spread our wings and look for everything this beautiful world can offer us.

With warm regards,
Erica N