February 24, 2013

Never too Early for Halloween

It's been a few months since Halloween, so it's time to start planning your costumes for next year. Here's my crazy Halloween schedule:

February-March: Find 5-10 costume ideas that are cool
April: Narrow your selections down to 1 or 2 costumes
May-July: Keep your eyes out for costume accessories in thrift shops etc.
August: Pick one costume idea but keep the other for a backup. Begin to acquire major parts of your costume like cardboard, fabric, etc.
September-Early October: Assemble costume
Mid October: Test out, fix, and put finishing touches on your costume
Late October: Have a compiled list of costume contests and other events. Also, map out your trick or treating route; better costumes mean better candy.
Halloween: Showtime! Have your emergency supplies like duct tape with you

Right now I'm in full planning mode here's some of my ideas:

-Book Fairy
-Celia from the Night Circus
-Guess Who? character

In my opinion, you can't just wear a costume because it is cool. Your costume should say something about you. A costume isn't a just a fun dress up game. It's a chance to say "this is me!" Halloween is the one day where it is socially appropriate to do this. Seize the opportunity; great costumes come from the heart.

Erica N

February 19, 2013

Pi Day Challenge

Hello, everyone!

As you know, March 14 is fast approaching. In preparation for pi day, I wanted to share this site with you all: http://www.pidaychallenge.com/

So far, I am on level 16. My goal is to beat the entire thing by March 14. So check it out!

                                                                                                   Erica N.

February 11, 2013

Julius Caesar, Shakespear, and Betrayal

For my English class, I am reading Shakespeare's tragedy of Julius Caesar. I've just finished the third act. Caesar has just been killed and his funeral is being held. Brutus and Antony both speak. Both fell that they are doing what was right. Many people consider Brutus the antagonist, but didn't he think he was preserving the delicate democracy in Rome? Didn't Antony, offering Caesar the crown, think he was being supportive of a great leader? The public sides with Antony, but is that because of his oration or because he is right?

The duel of speeches at Caesar comes down to a battle between the fears of what might have been and the tragedy of the present. Obviously, the public falls for the tangible tragedy and seeks to avenge Caesar.

What do you think? Should Brutus have allowed Caesar to corrupt the political structure of Rome rather than stand up for what he believed in? Was Antony right to start a riot against the conspirators? It's pretty interesting to think about.

What do you all think? Comment below! :)